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The Master Negotiator is a monthly newsletter packed with tips, strategies, and tactics to ensure your success in virtually every negotiation.  The Negotiating Tactic of the Week gives you an insider's look at hundreds of strategies and tactics.  Make sure you know more than your counterpart!  Simply enter your email address in the box provided to be taken to the sign up page.

The Master Negotiator



Praise for The Only Negotiating Guide You'll Ever Need

"Filled with practical, hands-on, how-to information that can 
be applied immediately. You can read a few pages in the morning and use the material to close a sale before noon."

Gerhard Gschwandtner, Publisher
Selling Power Magazine

"I have six books on negotiation in my bookcase. This one is 
the best! It provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-read-and-apply style."

Janice Duis-Lampert, Director
Ralston Purina

"A must-read for anyone who wants to build a reputation as a negotiator people love to do business with. Stark and Flaherty build a compelling case for being purposeful vs. accidental or haphazard when negotiating with others. Then they show you how to do it. This book is a powerful catalyst for improving relationships with coworkers, customers and suppliers."

Kevin Freiberg, Author of NUTS!
Southwest Airlines' Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success



"Negotiation is a major part of my day-to-day job and recently I was completely "out negotiated" by the manager of a printing company in our area.  As a result, I thought I better sharpen my skills and bought your book.  The Only Negotiating Guide You'll Ever Need is great!  Not only did I finish it in a single day, but I was amazed that I saw word-for-word several of the ploys that had been used by the printing company manager (and many other decision makers over the last ten years!)  Next time I will be ready!


Kent Talamo, National Marketing Manager



"In senior management in our company, we have always 
believed we really do negotiate for a win-win, but after reading this, it becomes clear why people tell us it is tough to negotiate with us. Sometimes we don't consider the position of the people with whom we are trying to structure a deal, especially if the 
other party is a major corporation much larger and with more financial power than ourselves. My cofounder will have a copy of this book tomorrow!"

Jim Konrath, Chairman & CEO
Accredited Home Lenders

"Very well written and . . . comprehensive. Peter's personality shines through the text. A very quick and practical read."

Paul Schmitt, SPHR, Vice President
Petco Animal Supplies, Inc.

"Without a doubt, the best part of the book is the [section with] 101 winning tactics. So often, people write about theory without demonstrating how theory works-that information is what is 
truly useful."

Mark Guglielmo, Director
San Diego Padres

"The book is very well written and easy to read. The examples are insightful and illustrate the points clearly. As a busy person, I appreciate the ability to quickly get the information I need 
from the book. . . . I will use this as a reference source."

Michael Graves, Vice President/Manager
Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation

"Part II's '101 Tactics for Successful Negotiation' is virtually 
a stand-alone primer for any would-be negotiator. If people can recognize, and perhaps master, the various tactics identified, they should vastly improve their chances for successful, win-win negotiations."

James L. Balser, Manager
Allegheny Energy Supply

"In the beginning, having readers do a self-assessment to determine their negotiation strengths is brilliant. This got me personally involved in the book. I was encouraged to read more. The 101 tactics were my favorites."

Tom Koning, Manager
Alaris Medical Systems

"Too often we think of negotiating skills only when going into formal labor negotiations. The strength and usefulness of this book [come from] understanding that we negotiate in almost everything we do. Getting people to understand that and then apply these tactics would be very useful to any organization."

Pam Smith, Director
San Diego County-Aging and Independence Services

"Easy-to-read format, humorous. . . . My boss is anxious to get his own copy and incorporate it into our sales management training."

Maria Luquin-Cooper, Manager
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.

"I personally like how this book is interactive. With numerous examples and questions one is drawn into the negotiation process. Instead of simply absorbing the material in front of you, the book forces you to think and place yourself in particular situations."

Patrick Kilkenny, Chairman
Arrowhead Group

"By creating a general awareness of your own negotiating style, 
as well as that of your counterpart, this book allows [you] to gain confidence in negotiating."
Sheri Wright, Director
Callaway Golf

"The reflection on real-life situations gives the book a relevancy that is easy to associate with. [Providing] the process to help [readers] better understand themselves and others equips [them] to be better negotiator[s]."

Garry Ridge, President and CEO
WD-40 Company, Inc.

"It is to-the-point from start to finish. This book can be used as preparation for a major upcoming deal. It could also be used as a teaching or training resource."

Robert Street, President/CEO
American First Federal Credit Union

"Extremely comprehensive-excellent format. Publish it tomorrow!"

Blair L. Sadler, President and CEO
Children's Hospital and Health Center, San Diego

"Instead of a 'one size fits all' approach, this book acknowledges the reality that situations, and negotiations, differ. In order to negotiate, sell and just navigate everyday life, one needs to have skill in a variety of tactics (101 tactics, to be precise!)."
Marilyn Owsley, Manager
Kaiser Permanente

"A great self-study guide to becoming a better negotiator."
Jim Amos, CEO
Mail Boxes Etc.

"This is a great book for those of us who currently already find ourselves in negotiations. I will purchase a large number of copies for our management team and all of my direct reports."

Phil Goodrich, Sr. Group Manager
Nokia, Inc.

"This is a great primer on negotiations, and an excellent resource guide on tactics. Multiple audiences will benefit from reading this book . . . from students to school administrators."

Libia S. Gil, Ph.D., Superintendent
Chula Vista Elementary School District









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